Request a
free demo

Our experts can give you a personalized tour of our software, fully aligned with the needs of your company.

Why a demo?

Explore our software, guided by our experts.

ERP software can seem intimidating at first, especially if it is new to you. With help from a specialist, who will guide you through the functionalities the most useful for your needs, you will gain a better appreciation of what Minute Management can do for you and your company. We will also be available to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision.
Plan your demo

Request a free demo

Plan your demo

Explore Minute Management here

During the presentation, our experts will guide you through the modules that suit your needs.

Groupe 173


Groupe 176

Project management:

Groupe 179

Employee management:

Groupe 238

Sales management (CRM):

Our experts are managers

Speak with someone who understands

The expert who will assist you during the demo has management experience. Our team is comprised of managers and entrepreneurs who understand the complexities of business management. That is why they can offer personalized coaching and recommend specific functionalities which optimize the use of our ERP software.

Here’s what our clients are saying about us: